
First Impression of Heavy Rain

Sunday, April 18, 2010 7:37 PM Posted by Tremologuy
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  I did a game exchange yesterday with a fine fellow called Peter. I gave away an excellent copy of Battlefield Bad Company 2 and in exchange I got Heavy Rain, the dramatic thriller by Quantic Dream. I was really excited to play this game since it was released a few months ago, but it was quick off the shelf and other blockbuster games were also on offer. I decided to let it slide first until an opportunity such as this one comes along. Seriously though, trading is absolutely excellent! I have only played about 4-5 hours worth so far (since I am quite addicted to this other game namely Fottball Manager - which I can't put down) and I have to say that I am very impressed.

This is a big thing to say as my previous game had been God of War 3, a very good game. Choosing a game to play immediately after such a great title is hard as you might have very high expectations which would never be met. I won't give away spoilers as I myself have not finished the game. I probably need to go through a few more hours to really get the hang of this game. My first impression was how good it looks. The game truly takes advantage of the PS3 hardware and yet again proves that Playstation exclusives are always great buys. Look at GOW3 and Uncharted 2 for example. Great graphics. You are treated to loading screens which reminded me much of the Metal Gear Solid ones with closeups of Snake's face while he's having a cigarette. This time, however, you are treated to a beautifully rendered face of the character you are about to play in glorious HD!

I think the biggest achievement this game has done is blurring the ever nearing gap of cinema and video games. This game reminds me a lot of those old RPG games like Larry Suite and Treasure Island, but it is so much more than that. At times, it doesn't feel like a game; and yet, it doesn't feel like an FMV either? Let's take the Metal Gear Solid games for example. The games take advantage of well-directed cut scenes by Kojima. However, they were mere cut-scenes. There is no interaction as you sit idly as a passive watcher. God of War and Uncharted are similar in some ways too. Heavy Rain, however, is basically (as of now) a playable FMV. The 'world' is limited to that particular scene and your decisions will eventually affect the outcome of the movie. There is no telling how the scene would end. I'll give you an example; in one scene, you play an old P.I. who is trying to weasel out some information from a prostitute. I chose a few commands and I suppose I failed to get anything out of her. As I walked out, a client of her started to cause problems and voila! who's your knight in shining armour baby! I didn't get anything out of her still, but I feel that somehow karma will reward me later in the game.

Well, so far Heavy Rain is quite impressive. It is slow, and your gameplay is limited to scenes from the overall 'movie'. But the narrative and plot is very strong and every single thing you do in the movie seems to have a foreboding purpose to it. I can't wait to rush back home to continue the story. will write more soon!

Adios amigos!

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