
dualshockthree online!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 8:56 PM Posted by Tremologuy

here's the deal, i am really iffed at reading reviews on ign, gamespot and other mainstream video games websites that are clearly biased towards certain types of video games genre, developer, country of origin etc. trust me they have caused me to make so many bad purchasing decisions. in kl and most parts of malaysia, we are blessed to have a lot of internet communities that service our needs and wants. excellent forums such as and are great places for discussions and banter; exactly the kind of outsourcing capability that we gamers need. because truthfully, we spend too much time indoors, and do not have many friends. well, its true!

so what i really want to do here is just add another ingredient into this soup. if the forums above are the meat and potatoes, this blog would be the celery; an easily forgettable component, but vital for a good broth.

i'll be posting about basically whatever i want! and that's the fun part. everytime i go to these forums, there are so many restrictions and regulations. a lot of fanboyism too. slagging the right analog stick for example will get you murdered in some cases. i'll start with short reviews and recommendations of all the ps3 games that i have ever purchased and played. since i do not have the financial means to play all ps3 games ever made, i'll try and get my friends to contribute to my reviews as well. and hopefully all of you lucky enough to stumble into this blog would have a jolly good time!

see you soon


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